activityType |
The specific type of activity performed or role played by an agent in making the contribution (e.g. for a publication, agents may contribute as a primary author, editor, figure designer, data generator, etc. . Values of this property may be framed as activities or as contribution roles (e.g. using terms from the Contribution Role Ontology (CRO)). |
alternativeLabels |
Alternative name(s) for the Entity. |
characteristics |
A feature or role shared by all members of the StudyGroup, representing a criterion for membership in the group. |
code |
A symbol uniquely identifying the concept, as in a syntax defined by the code system. CURIE format is preferred where possible (e.g. ‘SO:0000704’ is the CURIE form of the Sequence Ontology code for 'gene'). |
componentDataItem |
A more foundational data item that is a logical component of a compound data item. |
componentResult |
Another StudyResult comprised of data items about the same focus as its parent Result, but based on a more narrowly scoped analysis of the foundational data (e.g. an analysis based on data about a subset of the parent Results full study population). |
confidenceInterval |
A measure of the probability that a parameter of interest will fall within a defined range of values around a mean or other statistical calculation. |
contributionMadeTo |
The artifact toward which the contribution was made. |
contributions |
Specific actions taken by an Agent toward the creation, modification, validation, or deprecation of an Information Entity. |
contributor |
The Agent that made the contribution. |
dataItems |
One or more data items that are included in the StudyResult because it pertains to the 'focus' of the result. This can be data that directly describes this 'focus' (e.g. the population frequency of an allele focus), or be metadata about how data about the 'focus' were generated (e.g the quality measures for the sequencing run used to determine this allele frequency). |
date |
The date that the Activity was completed. |
dateAuthored |
Indicates when the information content expressed in the Information Entity was generated. |
dateRecordCreated |
The date the record was initially created. |
derivedFrom |
Another Information Entity from which this Information Entity is derived, in whole or in part. |
derivedFromRecord |
Another data record from which the record described here was derived, through a data ingest and/or transformation process. |
description |
A free text description of the Entity. |
direction |
A term indicating whether the Statement supports, disputes, or remains neutral w.r.t. the validity of the Proposition it evaluates. |
directionOfEvidenceProvided |
The direction of support that the Evidence Line is determined to provide toward its target Proposition (supports, disputes, neutral). |
doi |
A Digital Object Identifier <>_ for the document. |
evidenceItemSources |
An information resource (e.g. document, dataset, digital resource such as a database or knowledgebase) that provides information interpreted as evidence in building an Evidence Line. |
extensionDescription |
A free text description of the intended meaning and use of the extension element, which may include the types of values it takes, and how to interpret these values in the context of the parent Class. |
extensions |
A list of extensions to the Entity, that allow for capture of information not directly supported by elements defined in the model. |
focus |
A specific subject or experimental unit in a Study, that data in the StudyResult object is about - e.g. a particular variant in a population allele frequency dataset like ExAC or gnomAD. |
hasEvidence |
A piece of information that represents or contributes to an argument for or against the validity of the Proposition put forth in a Statement. This is a shortcut relation that links a Statement directly to a piece of evidence supporting it, bypassing the Evidence Line class when used data creators do not utilize an Evidence Line object. |
hasEvidenceFromSources |
An Information Entity (typically a publication, dataset, or database) that provided information used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed in a Statement. |
hasEvidenceItems |
An individual piece of information that was evaluated as evidence in building the argument represented by an Evidence Line. |
hasEvidenceLines |
An evidence-based argument that supports or disputes the validity of the proposition that a Statement assesses or puts forth as true. The strength and direction of this argument (whether it supports or disputes the proposition, and how strongly) is based on an interpretation of one or more pieces of information as evidence (i.e. 'Evidence Items). |
hasEvidenceOfTypes |
A term describing a type of evidence used to assess the validity of Statement's proposition (e.g. 'sequence similarity evidence', 'in vitro assay evidence'). |
id |
The 'logical' identifier of the entity in the system of record, e.g. a UUID. This 'id' is unique within a given system, but may or may not be globally unique outside the system. It is used within a system to reference one object from another. |
identifiers |
A globally-unique 'business' identifier or accession number for the real-world entity represented by a data object. These are typically assigned by an external system or authority, and used to connect entities and share content across different systems. |
informationQuality |
A qualitative term indicating the scientific rigor or reliability with which the information was generated/collected. |
input |
An entity that was input into the Activity (could be material or information) |
interpretation |
The outcome of an interpretation of lower-level data item(s) in a StudyResult, that express some broader conclusion or insight that was made (e.g. that data indicates a result to be is high, normal, or low). |
isAbout |
An entity or concept in the world that the information entity describes/is about. |
isSubsetOf |
A larger StudyGroup of which this StudyGroup represents a subset. |
label |
A primary name for the Entity. |
license |
A specific license that dictates legal permissions for how a document can be used (by whom, where, for what purposes, with what additional requirements, etc.) |
memberCount |
The total number of individual members in the StudyGroup. |
name |
The given name of the Agent. |
negated |
A boolean flag set to 'true' to represent a negation of the proposition expressed by the subject, predicate, object, and qualifier(s) (e.g. that "Variant X is NOT pathogenic for Disease Y") |
object |
An Entity or concept that is related to the subject of a Statement via its predicate. |
output |
An entity that was output from the Activity (could be material or information) |
performedBy |
An Agent who participated in executing the Activity. |
pmid |
A PubMed unique identifier <> _ for the document. |
predicate |
The relationship declared to hold between the subject and the object of the Statement. |
proposition |
A possible fact that the Statement assesses or puts forth as true. |
propositionText |
A natural-language expression of the Proposition's meaning (i.e. the 'possible fact' it expresses). |
qualifier |
An additional piece of information that extends or refines the meaning of a Statement's core subject - predicate - object 'triple' - by providing additional detail, or constraining the statement to apply in a particular context. |
recordIdentifier |
The identifier of the record described in the RecordMetadata object (required when the record described is not the one in the present system). |
recordMetadata |
Provenance metadata about a specific concrete record of information as encoded/serialized in a particular data set or object (as opposed to provenance about the abstract information content the encoding carries). |
recordVersion |
The version number of the record-level artifact the object describes. |
releaseDate |
Indicates when a version of a DataSet was formally released. |
reportedIn |
A document in which the Information Entity is reported. |
score |
A quantitative score that indicates the strength of a Proposition's validity assessment in the direction indicated (i.e. how strongly supported or disputed the Proposition is believed to be). Depending on its implementation, a score may reflect how confident that agent is that the Proposition is true or false, or the strength of evidence they believe supports or disputes it. |
scoreOfEvidenceProvided |
A quantitative score indicating the strength of support that an Evidence Line is determined to provide for or against its target Proposition, evaluated relative to the direction indicated by the directionOfEvidenceProvided value. |
sourceDataSet |
A larger DataSet from which the content of the StudyResult was derived. |
sources |
A document or other informtion resource in which the information entity, or evidence supporting it, is reported. |
specifiedBy |
A specification that describes all or part of the process that led to creation of the Information Entity. |
statementText |
A natural-language expression of what a Statement asserts to be true. |
strength |
A term used to report the strength of a Proposition's assessment in the direction indicated (i.e. how strongly supported or disputed the Proposition is believed to be). Implementers may choose to frame a strength assessment in terms of how confident an agent is that the Proposition is true or false, or in terms of the strength of all evidence they believe supports or disputes it. |
strengthOfEvidenceProvided |
The strength of support that an Evidence Line is determined to provide for or against its target Proposition, evaluated relative to the direction indicated by the directionOfEvidenceProvided. |
studyGroup |
A description of a specific group or population of subjects interrogated in the ResearchStudy that produced the data captured in the StudyResult. |
subject |
The Entity or concept about which the Statement is made. |
subjectClassification |
A single term or phrase summarizing the outcome of direction and strength assessments of a Statement's proposition, in terms of a classification of its subject. |
subtype |
A specific type of method that a Method instance represents (e.g. 'Variant Interpretation Guideline', or 'Experimental Protocol'). |
supportingMethods |
Specific methods that were executed to directly or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity. |
supportingMethodTypes |
Types of methodological approaches that were executed to directly or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity. |
system |
The terminology/code system that defined the code. May be reported as a free-text name (e.g. ‘Sequence Ontology’), but it is preferable to provide a uri/url for the system. When the 'code' is reported as a CURIE, the 'system' should be reported as the uri that the CURIE's prefix expands to (e.g. '' for the Sequence Ontology). |
systemURL |
A URL for the nomenclature system |
systemVersion |
Version of the terminology or code system that provided the code. |
targetProposition |
The possible fact against which evidence items contained in an Evidence Line were collectively evaluated, in determining the overall strength and direction of support they provide. For example, in an ACMG Guideline-based assessment of variant pathogenicity, the support provided by distinct lines of evidence are assessed against a target proposition that some variant is pathogenic for a specific disease. |
title |
The official title given to the document by its authors. |
type |
The name of the class that is instantiated by a data object representing the Entity. |
unit |
A unit of measure for the value (e.g. meters, grams, fluorescent units, seconds, mg/ml, etc.) |
urls |
The URL/web address from which the Method can be retrieved. |
value |
The value of the data item (could be quantitative or qualitative depending on the type of data item). |
valueOperator |
An operation that defines how to logically interpret a set of more than one Characteristic values ('AND', 'OR', 'NOT'). |
values |
The specific value(s) that the indicated traitor role holds in all population members (e.g. 'east asian', 'female', 'adolescent', 'cancer'). |
variabilityMeasures |
A statistical score describing the variability inherent in a data item representing a statistical summary of a set of observations/measurements (e.g. the standard deviation associated with a statistical mean calculated across several experimental replicates). |
version |
The version of the DataSet, as assigned by its creator. |