Class: Data Item (DataItem)
An Information Entity representing an individual piece of data, generated or acquired through methods which reliably produce truthful information about something.
- Examples include raw observations or measurements such as an allele count, or patient's weight, derived calculations such as frequency or mean, and computed statistical scores/metrics such as p-values and z-scores.
- Entity
- InformationEntity
- DataItem
- InformationEntity
Direct slots
A specific type of data the DataItem instance represents (e.g. a 'specimen count', a 'patient weight', an 'allele frequency', a 'p-value')
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute can be used to report a specific type for the DataItem, in cases where a model does not define DataItem subclasses for this purpose. Implementers can define their own set of data item type codes/terms, to match the needs of the domain or application.The value of the data item (could be quantitative or qualitative depending on the type of data item).
A unit of measure for the value (e.g. meters, grams, fluorescent units, seconds, mg/ml, etc.)
Implementation Guidance
* Implementers should define a relevant source or specific set of unit terms/codes to use here based on the needs of the domain or application.variabilityMeasures --> DataItem [*]
A statistical score describing the variability inherent in a data item representing a statistical summary of a set of observations/measurements (e.g. the standard deviation associated with a statistical mean calculated across several experimental replicates).
Implementation Guidance
* Examples of statistical measures of variability include an Interquartile Range, Variance, Standard Deviation, Standard Error. The type of variability measure used here represents should be reported in the DataItem instance created to represent it.confidenceInterval --> DataItem [0..1]
A measure of the probability that a parameter of interest will fall within a defined range of values around a mean or other statistical calculation.
Implementation Guidance
* Confidence intervals reflect the degree of uncertainty in a sampling method. They may be bounded on one or both sides, and are computed for a designated confidence level (most often 95% or 99%.. For example, a Hazard Ratio of 0.47 might have a 95% confidence interval between 0.42 and 0.55, with a p-value of = 0.001.* The DataItem used to represent a confidence interval will indicate what type of interval is reported (e.g. ''95% CI''), and will contain separate componentDataItems representing the upper and lower bounds of the interval (e.g. ''0.42'' and ''0.55'').'
componentDataItem --> DataItem [*]
A more foundational data item that is a logical component of a compound data item.
Implementation Guidance
* Examples of 'compound' data items with component parts include a confidence interval, which is comprised of data items representing its lower and upper bounds, or a blood pressure reading, which is comprised of separate systolic and diastolic measurements.Inherited slots
An entity or concept in the world that the information entity describes/is about.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* e.g. In the context of a Statement object, this attribute may be used to indicate entities/concepts it is about, in lieu of providing a more precise description of what the Statement asserts to be true using subject, predicate, object, and qualifier properties. e.g. the Statement that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer" might be annotated to be about the variant 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G', and the disease 'Breast Cancer'.contributions --> Contribution [*]
Specific actions taken by an Agent toward the creation, modification, validation, or deprecation of an Information Entity.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute holds one or more Contribution objects, which provide structured descriptions of a contribution made to the Information Entity by a particular agent.dateAuthored --> String [0..1]
Indicates when the information content expressed in the Information Entity was generated.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* The term 'authored' as used in the model refers to the generation of 'information content' in the abstract sense, as opposed to a concrete encoding of this information in a specific language or format. e.g. for a Statement, this attribute captures when the information content expressed in the Statement was first generated by an agent. Information about when a particular concrete encoding of this information was created (e.g. as row in a table, or object in a json document) would live in a RecordMetadata object attached to the Information Entity).specifiedBy --> String [*]
A specification that describes all or part of the process that led to creation of the Information Entity.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* Examples - an experimental protocol or data analysis specification that describe how data were generated, or an evidence interpretation guideline that describes steps taken to interpret data in making a variant pathogenicity classification.* Note that this attribute captures specific *instances* of specifications/methods (e.g. the specific electron microscopy method described in cpz1.1045) - as opposed to reporting a *type* of method applied (e.g. "Transmission Electron Microscopy").
supportingMethods --> String [*]
Specific methods that were executed to directly or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* These may include methods that directly produced the Information Entity, or upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the Information Entity - e.g. methods used to produce data that was interpreted as evidence to generate a Statement of knowledge.* This field captures terms representing specific INSTANCES of methods applied, vs the 'supportingMethodTypes' attribute which captures TYPES of methods used.
supportingMethodTypes --> Coding [*]
Types of methodological approaches that were executed to directly or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This field captures terms representing TYPES of methods applied, vs the 'specifiedBy' or'supportingMethods' attributes which capture specific INSTANCES of methods used. These may include types of methods that directly produced the Information Entity, or upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the Information Entity* Implementers should define a relevant source or set of method type codes/terms to use here, based on the needs of the domain or application.'
derivedFrom --> InformationEntity [*]
Another Information Entity from which this Information Entity is derived, in whole or in part.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
reportedIn --> String [*]
A document in which the Information Entity is reported.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute is used specifically to reference documents/publications where the Information Entity is expressed or reported. For a Statement, this might be a publication where the authors express the statement in text. For a Data Item, this might be a publication with a table or figure that reports the value of the data.A document or other informtion resource in which the information entity, or evidence supporting it, is reported.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute is more general than InformationEntity.reportedIn (which is used to references a Docuement that directly reports the infrormation), and Statement.hasEvidenceFromSources (which is used to reference resources that provided evidence used to generate the knowledge expressed in a Statement). It can be used to cover both cases, in situations where a data provider does not know which is the case, or does not wish to make the distinction.informationQuality --> Coding [0..1]
A qualitative term indicating the scientific rigor or reliability with which the information was generated/collected.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This is typically based on the quality of design and execution of the study or curation activity that generated it (e.g. were relevant controls assessed to show instruments were working, were all samples taken care of and handled identically, are methods sound and well documented, etc.).* The quality of information is intrinsic to the information itself, and not to a particular application of the information (e.g. as evidence for making an Assertion)
* The quality of information is one factor that goes into the confidence we have in the information''s veracity (i.e. that it is an accurate reflection of reality it intends to measure or describe). Other factors informing confidence may include who did it (we may just not trust some Agents), when (if data created 500 years ago, we may have less confidence in it), and for Assertions, the relevance and abundance of supporting evidence.
* Implementers should define a relevant source of codes or terms to use here, based on the needs of the domain or application.'
recordMetadata --> RecordMetadata [0..1]
Provenance metadata about a specific concrete record of information as encoded/serialized in a particular data set or object (as opposed to provenance about the abstract information content the encoding carries).
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute holds a structured RecordMetadata objects, which can be used to capture when, how, and by whom a record serialization was generated or modified; what upstream resources it was derived or retrieved from; and record-level administrative information such as versioning and lifecycle status.The 'logical' identifier of the entity in the system of record, e.g. a UUID. This 'id' is unique within a given system, but may or may not be globally unique outside the system. It is used within a system to reference one object from another.
Inherited from: Entity
Implementation Guidance
* Note that it is common for implementers to create their own internal logical ids - typically a serially or randomly generated value like a UUID that is assigned to the data object as it is created in a system. But an implementer may choose to reuse an existing, globally unique id from an external system or authority for this purpose (e.g. an HGNC id for a Gene object) - as long as it is unique within the implementing system, and can be used to reference the identified object in this context.identifiers --> String [*]
A globally-unique 'business' identifier or accession number for the real-world entity represented by a data object. These are typically assigned by an external system or authority, and used to connect entities and share content across different systems.
Inherited from: Entity
Implementation Guidance
* Preferred values for this attribute are CURIEs or URIs - so the system that provisioned the identifier is clear.* A given real world entity - e.g. a genetic variant - may have many business identifiers defined by different systems, which can be captured in the "identifiers" property to indicate that they represent the same thing.
The name of the class that is instantiated by a data object representing the Entity.
Inherited from: Entity
Implementation Guidance
* MUST be the label of a concrete class from the data model.A primary name for the Entity.
Inherited from: Entity
alternativeLabels --> String [*]
Alternative name(s) for the Entity.
Inherited from: Entity
description --> String [0..1]
A free text description of the Entity.
Inherited from: Entity
extensions --> Extension [*]
A list of extensions to the Entity, that allow for capture of information not directly supported by elements defined in the model.
Inherited from: Entity
Implementation Guidance
* Extension objects have a key-value data structure that allows definition of custom fields in the data itself. Extensions are not expected to be natively understood, but may be used for pre-negotiated exchange of message attributes between systems.Usages
used by | used in | type | used |
DataItem | variabilityMeasures | range | DataItem |
DataItem | confidenceInterval | range | DataItem |
DataItem | componentDataItem | range | DataItem |
StudyResult | dataItems | range | DataItem |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | sepio_linkml:DataItem |
native | sepio_linkml:DataItem |
LinkML Source
name: DataItem
description: An Information Entity representing an individual piece of data, generated
or acquired through methods which reliably produce truthful information about something.
title: Data Item
- Examples include raw observations or measurements such as an allele count, or patient's
weight, derived calculations such as frequency or mean, and computed statistical
scores/metrics such as p-values and z-scores.
status: Informative
is_a: InformationEntity
name: subtype
description: A specific type of data the DataItem instance represents (e.g. a
'specimen count', a 'patient weight', an 'allele frequency', a 'p-value')
- This attribute can be used to report a specific type for the DataItem, in cases
where a model does not define DataItem subclasses for this purpose. Implementers
can define their own set of data item type codes/terms, to match the needs of
the domain or application.
status: Informative
- Method
- Document
- DataItem
- DataSet
- Activity
- Agent
- EvidenceLine
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: value
description: The value of the data item (could be quantitative or qualitative
depending on the type of data item).
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- DataItem
- Qualifier
- Expression
- Extension
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: unit
description: A unit of measure for the value (e.g. meters, grams, fluorescent
units, seconds, mg/ml, etc.)
- Implementers should define a relevant source or specific set of unit terms/codes
to use here based on the needs of the domain or application.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- DataItem
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: variabilityMeasures
description: A statistical score describing the variability inherent in a data
item representing a statistical summary of a set of observations/measurements
(e.g. the standard deviation associated with a statistical mean calculated across
several experimental replicates).
- Examples of statistical measures of variability include an Interquartile Range,
Variance, Standard Deviation, Standard Error. The type of variability measure
used here represents should be reported in the DataItem instance created to
represent it.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- DataItem
range: DataItem
required: false
multivalued: true
name: confidenceInterval
description: A measure of the probability that a parameter of interest will fall
within a defined range of values around a mean or other statistical calculation.
- Confidence intervals reflect the degree of uncertainty in a sampling method.
They may be bounded on one or both sides, and are computed for a designated
confidence level (most often 95% or 99%.. For example, a Hazard Ratio of 0.47
might have a 95% confidence interval between 0.42 and 0.55, with a p-value of
= 0.001.
- The DataItem used to represent a confidence interval will indicate what type
of interval is reported (e.g. ''95% CI''), and will contain separate componentDataItems
representing the upper and lower bounds of the interval (e.g. ''0.42'' and ''0.55'').'
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- DataItem
range: DataItem
required: false
multivalued: false
name: componentDataItem
description: A more foundational data item that is a logical component of a compound
data item.
- Examples of 'compound' data items with component parts include a confidence
interval, which is comprised of data items representing its lower and upper
bounds, or a blood pressure reading, which is comprised of separate systolic
and diastolic measurements.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- DataItem
range: DataItem
required: false
multivalued: true
name: DataItem
description: An Information Entity representing an individual piece of data, generated
or acquired through methods which reliably produce truthful information about something.
title: Data Item
- Examples include raw observations or measurements such as an allele count, or patient's
weight, derived calculations such as frequency or mean, and computed statistical
scores/metrics such as p-values and z-scores.
status: Informative
is_a: InformationEntity
name: subtype
description: A specific type of data the DataItem instance represents (e.g. a
'specimen count', a 'patient weight', an 'allele frequency', a 'p-value')
- This attribute can be used to report a specific type for the DataItem, in cases
where a model does not define DataItem subclasses for this purpose. Implementers
can define their own set of data item type codes/terms, to match the needs of
the domain or application.
status: Informative
alias: subtype
owner: DataItem
- Method
- Document
- DataItem
- DataSet
- Activity
- Agent
- EvidenceLine
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: value
description: The value of the data item (could be quantitative or qualitative
depending on the type of data item).
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: value
owner: DataItem
- DataItem
- Qualifier
- Expression
- Extension
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: unit
description: A unit of measure for the value (e.g. meters, grams, fluorescent
units, seconds, mg/ml, etc.)
- Implementers should define a relevant source or specific set of unit terms/codes
to use here based on the needs of the domain or application.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: unit
owner: DataItem
- DataItem
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: variabilityMeasures
description: A statistical score describing the variability inherent in a data
item representing a statistical summary of a set of observations/measurements
(e.g. the standard deviation associated with a statistical mean calculated across
several experimental replicates).
- Examples of statistical measures of variability include an Interquartile Range,
Variance, Standard Deviation, Standard Error. The type of variability measure
used here represents should be reported in the DataItem instance created to
represent it.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: variabilityMeasures
owner: DataItem
- DataItem
range: DataItem
required: false
multivalued: true
name: confidenceInterval
description: A measure of the probability that a parameter of interest will fall
within a defined range of values around a mean or other statistical calculation.
- Confidence intervals reflect the degree of uncertainty in a sampling method.
They may be bounded on one or both sides, and are computed for a designated
confidence level (most often 95% or 99%.. For example, a Hazard Ratio of 0.47
might have a 95% confidence interval between 0.42 and 0.55, with a p-value of
= 0.001.
- The DataItem used to represent a confidence interval will indicate what type
of interval is reported (e.g. ''95% CI''), and will contain separate componentDataItems
representing the upper and lower bounds of the interval (e.g. ''0.42'' and ''0.55'').'
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: confidenceInterval
owner: DataItem
- DataItem
range: DataItem
required: false
multivalued: false
name: componentDataItem
description: A more foundational data item that is a logical component of a compound
data item.
- Examples of 'compound' data items with component parts include a confidence
interval, which is comprised of data items representing its lower and upper
bounds, or a blood pressure reading, which is comprised of separate systolic
and diastolic measurements.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: componentDataItem
owner: DataItem
- DataItem
range: DataItem
required: false
multivalued: true
name: isAbout
description: An entity or concept in the world that the information entity describes/is
- e.g. In the context of a Statement object, this attribute may be used to indicate
entities/concepts it is about, in lieu of providing a more precise description
of what the Statement asserts to be true using subject, predicate, object, and
qualifier properties. e.g. the Statement that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic
for Breast Cancer" might be annotated to be about the variant 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G',
and the disease 'Breast Cancer'.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: isAbout
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: contributions
description: Specific actions taken by an Agent toward the creation, modification,
validation, or deprecation of an Information Entity.
- This attribute holds one or more Contribution objects, which provide structured
descriptions of a contribution made to the Information Entity by a particular
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: contributions
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
- RecordMetadata
range: Contribution
required: false
multivalued: true
name: dateAuthored
description: Indicates when the information content expressed in the Information
Entity was generated.
- The term 'authored' as used in the model refers to the generation of 'information
content' in the abstract sense, as opposed to a concrete encoding of this information
in a specific language or format. e.g. for a Statement, this attribute captures
when the information content expressed in the Statement was first generated
by an agent. Information about when a particular concrete encoding of this
information was created (e.g. as row in a table, or object in a json document)
would live in a RecordMetadata object attached to the Information Entity).
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: dateAuthored
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: specifiedBy
description: A specification that describes all or part of the process that led
to creation of the Information Entity.
- Examples - an experimental protocol or data analysis specification that describe
how data were generated, or an evidence interpretation guideline that describes
steps taken to interpret data in making a variant pathogenicity classification.
- Note that this attribute captures specific *instances* of specifications/methods
(e.g. the specific electron microscopy method described in
cpz1.1045) - as opposed to reporting a *type* of method applied (e.g. "Transmission
Electron Microscopy").
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: specifiedBy
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
- Activity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: supportingMethods
description: Specific methods that were executed to directly or indirectly support
creation of the Information Entity.
- These may include methods that directly produced the Information Entity, or
upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the Information
Entity - e.g. methods used to produce data that was interpreted as evidence
to generate a Statement of knowledge.
- This field captures terms representing specific INSTANCES of methods applied,
vs the 'supportingMethodTypes' attribute which captures TYPES of methods used.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: supportingMethods
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: supportingMethodTypes
description: Types of methodological approaches that were executed to directly
or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity.
- This field captures terms representing TYPES of methods applied, vs the 'specifiedBy'
or'supportingMethods' attributes which capture specific INSTANCES of methods
used. These may include types of methods that directly produced the Information
Entity, or upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the
Information Entity
- Implementers should define a relevant source or set of method type codes/terms
to use here, based on the needs of the domain or application.'
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: supportingMethodTypes
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: true
name: derivedFrom
description: Another Information Entity from which this Information Entity is
derived, in whole or in part.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: derivedFrom
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: InformationEntity
required: false
multivalued: true
name: reportedIn
description: A document in which the Information Entity is reported.
- This attribute is used specifically to reference documents/publications where
the Information Entity is expressed or reported. For a Statement, this might
be a publication where the authors express the statement in text. For a Data
Item, this might be a publication with a table or figure that reports the value
of the data.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: reportedIn
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: sources
description: A document or other informtion resource in which the information
entity, or evidence supporting it, is reported.
- This attribute is more general than InformationEntity.reportedIn (which is used
to references a Docuement that directly reports the infrormation), and Statement.hasEvidenceFromSources
(which is used to reference resources that provided evidence used to generate
the knowledge expressed in a Statement). It can be used to cover both cases,
in situations where a data provider does not know which is the case, or does
not wish to make the distinction.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: sources
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: informationQuality
description: A qualitative term indicating the scientific rigor or reliability
with which the information was generated/collected.
- This is typically based on the quality of design and execution of the study
or curation activity that generated it (e.g. were relevant controls assessed
to show instruments were working, were all samples taken care of and handled
identically, are methods sound and well documented, etc.).
- The quality of information is intrinsic to the information itself, and not to
a particular application of the information (e.g. as evidence for making an
- The quality of information is one factor that goes into the confidence we have
in the information''s veracity (i.e. that it is an accurate reflection of reality
it intends to measure or describe). Other factors informing confidence may include
who did it (we may just not trust some Agents), when (if data created 500 years
ago, we may have less confidence in it), and for Assertions, the relevance and
abundance of supporting evidence.
- Implementers should define a relevant source of codes or terms to use here,
based on the needs of the domain or application.'
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: informationQuality
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: recordMetadata
description: Provenance metadata about a specific concrete record of information
as encoded/serialized in a particular data set or object (as opposed to provenance
about the abstract information content the encoding carries).
- This attribute holds a structured RecordMetadata objects, which can be used
to capture when, how, and by whom a record serialization was generated or modified;
what upstream resources it was derived or retrieved from; and record-level administrative
information such as versioning and lifecycle status.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: recordMetadata
owner: DataItem
- InformationEntity
range: RecordMetadata
required: false
multivalued: false
name: id
description: The 'logical' identifier of the entity in the system of record, e.g.
a UUID. This 'id' is unique within a given system, but may or may not be globally
unique outside the system. It is used within a system to reference one object
from another.
- Note that it is common for implementers to create their own internal logical
ids - typically a serially or randomly generated value like a UUID that is assigned
to the data object as it is created in a system. But an implementer may choose
to reuse an existing, globally unique id from an external system or authority
for this purpose (e.g. an HGNC id for a Gene object) - as long as it is unique
within the implementing system, and can be used to reference the identified
object in this context.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: id
owner: DataItem
- Entity
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: identifiers
description: A globally-unique 'business' identifier or accession number for the
real-world entity represented by a data object. These are typically assigned
by an external system or authority, and used to connect entities and share content
across different systems.
- Preferred values for this attribute are CURIEs or URIs - so the system that
provisioned the identifier is clear.
- A given real world entity - e.g. a genetic variant - may have many business
identifiers defined by different systems, which can be captured in the "identifiers"
property to indicate that they represent the same thing.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: identifiers
owner: DataItem
- Entity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: type
description: The name of the class that is instantiated by a data object representing
the Entity.
- MUST be the label of a concrete class from the data model.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: type
owner: DataItem
- Entity
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: label
description: A primary name for the Entity.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: label
owner: DataItem
- Entity
- Coding
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: alternativeLabels
description: Alternative name(s) for the Entity.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: alternativeLabels
owner: DataItem
- Entity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: description
description: A free text description of the Entity.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: description
owner: DataItem
- Entity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: extensions
description: A list of extensions to the Entity, that allow for capture of information
not directly supported by elements defined in the model.
- Extension objects have a key-value data structure that allows definition of
custom fields in the data itself. Extensions are not expected to be natively
understood, but may be used for pre-negotiated exchange of message attributes
between systems.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: extensions
owner: DataItem
- Entity
range: Extension
required: false
multivalued: true