Class: Qualifier (Qualifier)
A key-value object used to capture additional piece of information that extends or refines the meaning of a Statement's core subject - predicate - object 'triple' - by providing additional detail, or constraining the statement to apply in a particular context.
- Qualifiers allow representation of more complex, n-ary statements that may not be accommodated by a simple subject-predicate-object (SPO) triple. For example, if a triple asserts that 'Variant X' - predicts sensitivity to - 'Treatment Y', a qualifier can be used to indicate that this applies in the context of a particular 'Disease Z'. Qualifiers can also add information that 'quantifies' aspects of a Statement - e.g. for a Statement triple asserting that a 'Variant X'- causes - 'Phenotype Y', a qualifier can be used to add frequency/penetrance information that quantifies the percentage of carriers in which the phenotype is observed to manifest.
class Qualifier
click Qualifier href "../Qualifier"
Utility <|-- Qualifier
click Utility href "../Utility"
Qualifier : name
Qualifier : value
- Utility
- Qualifier
Direct slots
A descriptive name that describes the type of information captured in the Qualifier value.
Implementation Guidance
* Recommended convention is to treat this like the name of an attribute in the model - use snake case syntax, and append 'Qualifier' to the end of the name. e.g. 'diseaseContextQualifier', or 'alleleOriginQualifier'.The value of the qualifier - holding information that refines/extends the meaning of the Statement.
Implementation Guidance
* Value can be of any data type - a string, an integer or float, a uriorcurie, a Coding, etc.Usages
used by | used in | type | used |
Statement | qualifier | range | Qualifier |
Proposition | qualifier | range | Qualifier |
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | sepio_linkml:Qualifier |
native | sepio_linkml:Qualifier |
LinkML Source
name: Qualifier
description: A key-value object used to capture additional piece of information that
extends or refines the meaning of a Statement's core subject - predicate - object
'triple' - by providing additional detail, or constraining the statement to apply
in a particular context.
title: Qualifier
- Qualifiers allow representation of more complex, n-ary statements that may not be
accommodated by a simple subject-predicate-object (SPO) triple. For example, if
a triple asserts that 'Variant X' - predicts sensitivity to - 'Treatment Y', a qualifier
can be used to indicate that this applies in the context of a particular 'Disease
Z'. Qualifiers can also add information that 'quantifies' aspects of a Statement
- e.g. for a Statement triple asserting that a 'Variant X'- causes - 'Phenotype
Y', a qualifier can be used to add frequency/penetrance information that quantifies
the percentage of carriers in which the phenotype is observed to manifest.
status: Informative
is_a: Utility
name: name
description: A descriptive name that describes the type of information captured
in the Qualifier value.
- Recommended convention is to treat this like the name of an attribute in the
model - use snake case syntax, and append 'Qualifier' to the end of the name.
e.g. 'diseaseContextQualifier', or 'alleleOriginQualifier'.
status: Informative
- Agent
- Qualifier
- Extension
- Characteristic
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: value
description: The value of the qualifier - holding information that refines/extends
the meaning of the Statement.
- Value can be of any data type - a string, an integer or float, a uriorcurie,
a Coding, etc.
status: Informative
- DataItem
- Qualifier
- Expression
- Extension
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: Qualifier
description: A key-value object used to capture additional piece of information that
extends or refines the meaning of a Statement's core subject - predicate - object
'triple' - by providing additional detail, or constraining the statement to apply
in a particular context.
title: Qualifier
- Qualifiers allow representation of more complex, n-ary statements that may not be
accommodated by a simple subject-predicate-object (SPO) triple. For example, if
a triple asserts that 'Variant X' - predicts sensitivity to - 'Treatment Y', a qualifier
can be used to indicate that this applies in the context of a particular 'Disease
Z'. Qualifiers can also add information that 'quantifies' aspects of a Statement
- e.g. for a Statement triple asserting that a 'Variant X'- causes - 'Phenotype
Y', a qualifier can be used to add frequency/penetrance information that quantifies
the percentage of carriers in which the phenotype is observed to manifest.
status: Informative
is_a: Utility
name: name
description: A descriptive name that describes the type of information captured
in the Qualifier value.
- Recommended convention is to treat this like the name of an attribute in the
model - use snake case syntax, and append 'Qualifier' to the end of the name.
e.g. 'diseaseContextQualifier', or 'alleleOriginQualifier'.
status: Informative
alias: name
owner: Qualifier
- Agent
- Qualifier
- Extension
- Characteristic
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: value
description: The value of the qualifier - holding information that refines/extends
the meaning of the Statement.
- Value can be of any data type - a string, an integer or float, a uriorcurie,
a Coding, etc.
status: Informative
alias: value
owner: Qualifier
- DataItem
- Qualifier
- Expression
- Extension
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false