Class: Statement (Statement)
A claim of purported truth as made by a particular agent, on a particular occasion. Statements may be used to simply put forth a possible fact (i.e. a 'proposition') as true, or to provide a more nuanced assessment of the level of confidence or evidence supporting a particular proposition.
- Primary assertions of knowledge about some subject entity are captured in self-contained Statement objects. Every Statement puts forth a 'proposition' - a possible fact it assesses or reports to be true. The semantics of this proposition are explicitly captured using 'subject', 'predicate', and 'object' attributes, and optional 'qualifier' slots (SPOQ).
- The model supports two " modes of use" for Statements, which differ in what they say about their proposition, and can be distinguished by whether 'direction' and 'strength' or 'score' attributes are populated.
- In "Assertion Mode" a Statement simply reports an SPOQ proposition to be true (e.g. that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer"), and 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes are not populated. Thos mode is used by project reporting conclusive assertions about a domain of discourse, but not providing confidence or evidence level assessments.
- In "Proposition Assessment Mode" a Statement describes the overall state of evidence and/or confidence surrounding the SPOQ proposition - which may or may not be true. The 'direction' and 'strength' or 'score' attributes are populated, which allows for Statements to report that "there is very strong evidence supporting the proposition that 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer'", or "we have high confidence that the proposition 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer' is false"). This mode is used in curation projects to track the evolving state of support for propositions of interest, as curators continue to collect evidence and work toward a conclusive assertion.
- Entity
- InformationEntity
- Statement
- InformationEntity
Direct slots
statementText --> String [0..1]
A natural-language expression of what a Statement asserts to be true.
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute captures what a Statement says as human readable free text. e.g. that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer", or that "there is moderate evidence supporting the pathogenicity of BRCA2 c.8023A>G for Breast Cancer". This optional attribute can be used instead of, or as a complement to, a structured representation of Statement semantics that uses the subject-predicate-object-qualifier pattern.proposition --> Proposition [0..1]
A possible fact that the Statement assesses or puts forth as true.
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute supports an alternate modeling pattern where the structured semantics of the possible fact asserted or evaluated by a Statement is encapsulated in a separate 'Proposition' object. In such a case, the subject-predicate-object-qualifier properties on the Statement are not utilized. A given implementation should decide which pattern to follow and drop attributes not required for their approach.The Entity or concept about which the Statement is made.
The relationship declared to hold between the subject and the object of the Statement.
Implementation Guidance
* When applied to represent a particular type of Statement (via 'Profiling'), implementers can define a value set of predicates for the relationships relevant in the domain - ideally using terms from community ontologies or terminologies. For example, in a 'Variant Pathogenicity Statement' Profile, the predicate value set might include terms from the GENO ontology defining 'pathogenic for condition', 'benign for condition', and 'uncertain significance for condition' relationships (GENO:0000840, GENO:0000843, GENO:0000845).An Entity or concept that is related to the subject of a Statement via its predicate.
Implementation Guidance
* The object of a Statement can be any Entity or concept that is related to the subject, e.g. for Genetic Variation subjects the object is often a disease, drug, gene, molecular consequence, functional impact on gene or protein.An additional piece of information that extends or refines the meaning of a Statement's core subject - predicate - object 'triple' - by providing additional detail, or constraining the statement to apply in a particular context.
Implementation Guidance
* -The qualifier attribute allows representation of more complex, n-ary statements that may not be accommodated by a simple subject-predicate-object (SPO) triple. For example, if an SPO triple asserts that 'Variant X' - predicts sensitivity to - 'Treatment Y', a qualifier can be used to indicate that this applies in the context of a particular 'Disease Z'. Qualifiers can also add information that quantifies aspects of a Statement - e.g. for a Statement triple asserting that a 'Variant X'- causes - 'Phenotype Y', a qualifier can be used to add frequency/penetrance information that quantifies the percentage of carriers in which the phenotype is observed to manifest. Statement profiles may define more than one qualifier, as needed to capture different types of qualifying information.* The SEPIO core model specifies use of a key-value 'Qualifier' object to capture the meaning and value of each type of qualifying information relevant for a given type of Statement. But in practice, profiles for specific Statement types may choose to define one or more specializations of the generic 'qualifier' property as named attributes. This makes the data more succinct and parsable, and allows specific constraints to be applied and validated for different qualifiers. For example, a VariantPathogenicityStatement profile may define a named 'alleleOriginQualifier' attribute that is required, and a named 'geneContextQualifier' attribute that is optional - both of which conceptually specialize the core-im 'qualifier' property. Under this approach, the core 'qualifier' acts as a placeholder to seed such specializations, but is not used directly in Statement profiles.
A term indicating whether the Statement supports, disputes, or remains neutral w.r.t. the validity of the Proposition it evaluates.
Implementation Guidance
* Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject', 'predicate', 'object', and optional 'qualifier' attributes. An assessment of the Proposition's validity can be captured using 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The 'direction' attribute is used to indicate whether the Statement's Proposition is *supported* by the agent's assessment (when evidence favors its validity), is *disputed* by the agent's assessment (when evidence argues against its validity), or remains *neutral* (when conflicting or insufficient evidence exists to assert one direction or the other). (Enumerated values = 'supports', 'disputes', 'neutral').A term used to report the strength of a Proposition's assessment in the direction indicated (i.e. how strongly supported or disputed the Proposition is believed to be). Implementers may choose to frame a strength assessment in terms of how confident an agent is that the Proposition is true or false, or in terms of the strength of all evidence they believe supports or disputes it.
Implementation Guidance
* Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject,' 'predicate', 'object', and optional 'qualifier' attributes. An assessment of the Proposition's validity can be captured using 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The 'strength' attribute is used to report the strength of this assessment in the direction indicated. Strength can be framed as a *level of confidence* that the Proposition is true or false, or as a *level of evidence* that supports or disputes it. Data creators can define the permissible values for the 'strength' attribute to indicate which of these facets is being assessed (e.g. 'high confidence' vs 'low confidence', or 'strong evidence' vs 'weak evidence') - or they can choose values that don't commit to one or the other if they don't want to make the distinction (e.g. 'high' vs 'medium' vs 'low').A quantitative score that indicates the strength of a Proposition's validity assessment in the direction indicated (i.e. how strongly supported or disputed the Proposition is believed to be). Depending on its implementation, a score may reflect how confident that agent is that the Proposition is true or false, or the strength of evidence they believe supports or disputes it.
Implementation Guidance
* Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject', 'predicate', 'object', and optional 'qualifier' attributes. The assessment of the Proposition's validity are captured in 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The 'score' attribute serves the same purpose as 'strength', but allows for a quantitative assessment based on a numerical score.subjectClassification --> Coding [0..1]
A single term or phrase summarizing the outcome of direction and strength assessments of a Statement's proposition, in terms of a classification of its subject.
Implementation Guidance
* Permissible values for this attribute are typically selected to be succinct and familiar in the target community of practice - and can be provided to report of a statement's conclusion in user-friendly terms. For example, in a Statement assessing the proposition that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer", and reporting a direction of 'supports' and strength of 'likely', the term 'likely pathogenic' from the ACMG Variant Interpretation Guidelines would be used as a subject classification.hasEvidenceOfTypes --> String [*]
A term describing a type of evidence used to assess the validity of Statement's proposition (e.g. 'sequence similarity evidence', 'in vitro assay evidence').
Implementation Guidance
* This contrasts with hasEvidence and hasEvidenceLine attributes that describe specific instances of evidence information, such as a particular data item, study result, or prior assertions, etc. Where possible, data cretors should use of terms from ontologies such as the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO) to describe specific types of evidence (e.g. ECO:0000044 'sequence similarity evidence').hasEvidenceLines --> EvidenceLine [*]
An evidence-based argument that supports or disputes the validity of the proposition that a Statement assesses or puts forth as true. The strength and direction of this argument (whether it supports or disputes the proposition, and how strongly) is based on an interpretation of one or more pieces of information as evidence (i.e. 'Evidence Items).
Implementation Guidance
* Evidence Lines result from the interpretation of one or more pieces of information to build an argument for or against a particular Proposition. These arguments have direction (supporting / disputing) and strength (e.g. strong, moderate, weak) relative to the Proposition they are evaluated against. For example, ExaC allele counts and frequency calculations for the BRCA2 c.8023A>G variant in different populations may be collectively assessed to provide an argument of 'moderate' strength in 'support of ' a proposition that the variant is pathogenicity for breast cancer.* Evidence Lines are useful in cases where a data provider wants to describe in detail how information was assessed as evidence to generate and score different arguments for or against a Statement''s proposition. Evidence Lines can be omitted if such information is not available or needed.
hasEvidence --> InformationEntity [*]
A piece of information that represents or contributes to an argument for or against the validity of the Proposition put forth in a Statement. This is a shortcut relation that links a Statement directly to a piece of evidence supporting it, bypassing the Evidence Line class when used data creators do not utilize an Evidence Line object.
Implementation Guidance
* - Evidence is any information that is interpreted in assessing the truth of the proposition a Statement puts forth as true or false. A piece of information only becomes evidence when it is interpreted in this way. Different types of information entities can be used and cited as evidence, including direct observation or measurement data, derived statistical calculations, data tables or figures in a publication, conclusions/findings from a particular study, or prior assertions of knowledge that themselves are based on their own set of evidence.* This is a shortcut relation that links a Statement directly to a piece of evidence supporting it, bypassing the Evidence Line class - to be used data creators cannot or do not wish to create an Evidence Line object.
hasEvidenceFromSources --> InformationEntity [*]
An Information Entity (typically a publication, dataset, or database) that provided information used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed in a Statement.
Implementation Guidance
* This is a 'shortcut property' that can be used to directly link a Statement to sources that provided evidence supporting/disputing it, without having to create Evidence Lines or Evidence Items in the data.Inherited slots
An entity or concept in the world that the information entity describes/is about.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* e.g. In the context of a Statement object, this attribute may be used to indicate entities/concepts it is about, in lieu of providing a more precise description of what the Statement asserts to be true using subject, predicate, object, and qualifier properties. e.g. the Statement that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer" might be annotated to be about the variant 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G', and the disease 'Breast Cancer'.contributions --> Contribution [*]
Specific actions taken by an Agent toward the creation, modification, validation, or deprecation of an Information Entity.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute holds one or more Contribution objects, which provide structured descriptions of a contribution made to the Information Entity by a particular agent.dateAuthored --> String [0..1]
Indicates when the information content expressed in the Information Entity was generated.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* The term 'authored' as used in the model refers to the generation of 'information content' in the abstract sense, as opposed to a concrete encoding of this information in a specific language or format. e.g. for a Statement, this attribute captures when the information content expressed in the Statement was first generated by an agent. Information about when a particular concrete encoding of this information was created (e.g. as row in a table, or object in a json document) would live in a RecordMetadata object attached to the Information Entity).specifiedBy --> String [*]
A specification that describes all or part of the process that led to creation of the Information Entity.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* Examples - an experimental protocol or data analysis specification that describe how data were generated, or an evidence interpretation guideline that describes steps taken to interpret data in making a variant pathogenicity classification.* Note that this attribute captures specific *instances* of specifications/methods (e.g. the specific electron microscopy method described in cpz1.1045) - as opposed to reporting a *type* of method applied (e.g. "Transmission Electron Microscopy").
supportingMethods --> String [*]
Specific methods that were executed to directly or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* These may include methods that directly produced the Information Entity, or upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the Information Entity - e.g. methods used to produce data that was interpreted as evidence to generate a Statement of knowledge.* This field captures terms representing specific INSTANCES of methods applied, vs the 'supportingMethodTypes' attribute which captures TYPES of methods used.
supportingMethodTypes --> Coding [*]
Types of methodological approaches that were executed to directly or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This field captures terms representing TYPES of methods applied, vs the 'specifiedBy' or'supportingMethods' attributes which capture specific INSTANCES of methods used. These may include types of methods that directly produced the Information Entity, or upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the Information Entity* Implementers should define a relevant source or set of method type codes/terms to use here, based on the needs of the domain or application.'
derivedFrom --> InformationEntity [*]
Another Information Entity from which this Information Entity is derived, in whole or in part.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
reportedIn --> String [*]
A document in which the Information Entity is reported.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute is used specifically to reference documents/publications where the Information Entity is expressed or reported. For a Statement, this might be a publication where the authors express the statement in text. For a Data Item, this might be a publication with a table or figure that reports the value of the data.A document or other informtion resource in which the information entity, or evidence supporting it, is reported.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute is more general than InformationEntity.reportedIn (which is used to references a Docuement that directly reports the infrormation), and Statement.hasEvidenceFromSources (which is used to reference resources that provided evidence used to generate the knowledge expressed in a Statement). It can be used to cover both cases, in situations where a data provider does not know which is the case, or does not wish to make the distinction.informationQuality --> Coding [0..1]
A qualitative term indicating the scientific rigor or reliability with which the information was generated/collected.
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This is typically based on the quality of design and execution of the study or curation activity that generated it (e.g. were relevant controls assessed to show instruments were working, were all samples taken care of and handled identically, are methods sound and well documented, etc.).* The quality of information is intrinsic to the information itself, and not to a particular application of the information (e.g. as evidence for making an Assertion)
* The quality of information is one factor that goes into the confidence we have in the information''s veracity (i.e. that it is an accurate reflection of reality it intends to measure or describe). Other factors informing confidence may include who did it (we may just not trust some Agents), when (if data created 500 years ago, we may have less confidence in it), and for Assertions, the relevance and abundance of supporting evidence.
* Implementers should define a relevant source of codes or terms to use here, based on the needs of the domain or application.'
recordMetadata --> RecordMetadata [0..1]
Provenance metadata about a specific concrete record of information as encoded/serialized in a particular data set or object (as opposed to provenance about the abstract information content the encoding carries).
Inherited from: InformationEntity
Implementation Guidance
* This attribute holds a structured RecordMetadata objects, which can be used to capture when, how, and by whom a record serialization was generated or modified; what upstream resources it was derived or retrieved from; and record-level administrative information such as versioning and lifecycle status.The 'logical' identifier of the entity in the system of record, e.g. a UUID. This 'id' is unique within a given system, but may or may not be globally unique outside the system. It is used within a system to reference one object from another.
Inherited from: Entity
Implementation Guidance
* Note that it is common for implementers to create their own internal logical ids - typically a serially or randomly generated value like a UUID that is assigned to the data object as it is created in a system. But an implementer may choose to reuse an existing, globally unique id from an external system or authority for this purpose (e.g. an HGNC id for a Gene object) - as long as it is unique within the implementing system, and can be used to reference the identified object in this context.identifiers --> String [*]
A globally-unique 'business' identifier or accession number for the real-world entity represented by a data object. These are typically assigned by an external system or authority, and used to connect entities and share content across different systems.
Inherited from: Entity
Implementation Guidance
* Preferred values for this attribute are CURIEs or URIs - so the system that provisioned the identifier is clear.* A given real world entity - e.g. a genetic variant - may have many business identifiers defined by different systems, which can be captured in the "identifiers" property to indicate that they represent the same thing.
The name of the class that is instantiated by a data object representing the Entity.
Inherited from: Entity
Implementation Guidance
* MUST be the label of a concrete class from the data model.A primary name for the Entity.
Inherited from: Entity
alternativeLabels --> String [*]
Alternative name(s) for the Entity.
Inherited from: Entity
description --> String [0..1]
A free text description of the Entity.
Inherited from: Entity
extensions --> Extension [*]
A list of extensions to the Entity, that allow for capture of information not directly supported by elements defined in the model.
Inherited from: Entity
Implementation Guidance
* Extension objects have a key-value data structure that allows definition of custom fields in the data itself. Extensions are not expected to be natively understood, but may be used for pre-negotiated exchange of message attributes between systems.Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | sepio_linkml:Statement |
native | sepio_linkml:Statement |
LinkML Source
name: Statement
description: A claim of purported truth as made by a particular agent, on a particular
occasion. Statements may be used to simply put forth a possible fact (i.e. a 'proposition')
as true, or to provide a more nuanced assessment of the level of confidence or evidence
supporting a particular proposition.
title: Statement
- Primary assertions of knowledge about some subject entity are captured in self-contained
Statement objects. Every Statement puts forth a 'proposition' - a possible fact
it assesses or reports to be true. The semantics of this proposition are explicitly
captured using 'subject', 'predicate', and 'object' attributes, and optional 'qualifier'
slots (SPOQ).
- The model supports two " modes of use" for Statements, which differ in what they
say about their proposition, and can be distinguished by whether 'direction' and
'strength' or 'score' attributes are populated.
- In "Assertion Mode" a Statement simply reports an SPOQ proposition to be true (e.g.
that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer"), and 'direction', 'strength',
and 'score' attributes are not populated. Thos mode is used by project reporting
conclusive assertions about a domain of discourse, but not providing confidence
or evidence level assessments.
- In "Proposition Assessment Mode" a Statement describes the overall state of evidence
and/or confidence surrounding the SPOQ proposition - which may or may not be true.
The 'direction' and 'strength' or 'score' attributes are populated, which allows
for Statements to report that "there is very strong evidence supporting the proposition
that 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer'", or "we have high confidence
that the proposition 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer' is false"). This
mode is used in curation projects to track the evolving state of support for propositions
of interest, as curators continue to collect evidence and work toward a conclusive
status: Draft
is_a: InformationEntity
name: statementText
description: A natural-language expression of what a Statement asserts to be true.
- This attribute captures what a Statement says as human readable free text. e.g.
that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer", or that "there is moderate
evidence supporting the pathogenicity of BRCA2 c.8023A>G for Breast Cancer".
This optional attribute can be used instead of, or as a complement to, a structured
representation of Statement semantics that uses the subject-predicate-object-qualifier
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: proposition
description: A possible fact that the Statement assesses or puts forth as true.
- This attribute supports an alternate modeling pattern where the structured semantics
of the possible fact asserted or evaluated by a Statement is encapsulated in
a separate 'Proposition' object. In such a case, the subject-predicate-object-qualifier
properties on the Statement are not utilized. A given implementation should
decide which pattern to follow and drop attributes not required for their approach.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: Proposition
required: false
multivalued: false
name: subject
description: The Entity or concept about which the Statement is made.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
- Proposition
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: predicate
description: The relationship declared to hold between the subject and the object
of the Statement.
- When applied to represent a particular type of Statement (via 'Profiling'),
implementers can define a value set of predicates for the relationships relevant
in the domain - ideally using terms from community ontologies or terminologies.
For example, in a 'Variant Pathogenicity Statement' Profile, the predicate
value set might include terms from the GENO ontology defining 'pathogenic for
condition', 'benign for condition', and 'uncertain significance for condition'
relationships (GENO:0000840, GENO:0000843, GENO:0000845).
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
- Proposition
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: object
description: An Entity or concept that is related to the subject of a Statement
via its predicate.
- The object of a Statement can be any Entity or concept that is related to the
subject, e.g. for Genetic Variation subjects the object is often a disease,
drug, gene, molecular consequence, functional impact on gene or protein.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
- Proposition
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: qualifier
description: An additional piece of information that extends or refines the meaning
of a Statement's core subject - predicate - object 'triple' - by providing additional
detail, or constraining the statement to apply in a particular context.
- -The qualifier attribute allows representation of more complex, n-ary statements
that may not be accommodated by a simple subject-predicate-object (SPO) triple.
For example, if an SPO triple asserts that 'Variant X' - predicts sensitivity
to - 'Treatment Y', a qualifier can be used to indicate that this applies in
the context of a particular 'Disease Z'. Qualifiers can also add information
that quantifies aspects of a Statement - e.g. for a Statement triple asserting
that a 'Variant X'- causes - 'Phenotype Y', a qualifier can be used to add frequency/penetrance
information that quantifies the percentage of carriers in which the phenotype
is observed to manifest. Statement profiles may define more than one qualifier,
as needed to capture different types of qualifying information.
- The SEPIO core model specifies use of a key-value 'Qualifier' object to capture
the meaning and value of each type of qualifying information relevant for a
given type of Statement. But in practice, profiles for specific Statement types
may choose to define one or more specializations of the generic 'qualifier'
property as named attributes. This makes the data more succinct and parsable,
and allows specific constraints to be applied and validated for different qualifiers.
For example, a VariantPathogenicityStatement profile may define a named 'alleleOriginQualifier'
attribute that is required, and a named 'geneContextQualifier' attribute that
is optional - both of which conceptually specialize the core-im 'qualifier'
property. Under this approach, the core 'qualifier' acts as a placeholder to
seed such specializations, but is not used directly in Statement profiles.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- Statement
- Proposition
range: Qualifier
required: false
multivalued: true
name: direction
description: A term indicating whether the Statement supports, disputes, or remains
neutral w.r.t. the validity of the Proposition it evaluates.
- Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the
world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how
likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics
of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject', 'predicate', 'object', and
optional 'qualifier' attributes. An assessment of the Proposition's validity
can be captured using 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The 'direction' attribute
is used to indicate whether the Statement's Proposition is *supported* by the
agent's assessment (when evidence favors its validity), is *disputed* by the
agent's assessment (when evidence argues against its validity), or remains *neutral*
(when conflicting or insufficient evidence exists to assert one direction or
the other). (Enumerated values = 'supports', 'disputes', 'neutral').
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: strength
description: A term used to report the strength of a Proposition's assessment
in the direction indicated (i.e. how strongly supported or disputed the Proposition
is believed to be). Implementers may choose to frame a strength assessment
in terms of how *confident* an agent is that the Proposition is true or false,
or in terms of the *strength of all evidence* they believe supports or disputes
- Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the
world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how
likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics
of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject,' 'predicate', 'object', and
optional 'qualifier' attributes. An assessment of the Proposition's validity
can be captured using 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The
'strength' attribute is used to report the strength of this assessment in the
direction indicated. Strength can be framed as a *level of confidence* that
the Proposition is true or false, or as a *level of evidence* that supports
or disputes it. Data creators can define the permissible values for the 'strength'
attribute to indicate which of these facets is being assessed (e.g. 'high confidence'
vs 'low confidence', or 'strong evidence' vs 'weak evidence') - or they can
choose values that don't commit to one or the other if they don't want to make
the distinction (e.g. 'high' vs 'medium' vs 'low').
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: score
description: A quantitative score that indicates the strength of a Proposition's
validity assessment in the direction indicated (i.e. how strongly supported
or disputed the Proposition is believed to be). Depending on its implementation,
a score may reflect how *confident* that agent is that the Proposition is true
or false, or the *strength of evidence* they believe supports or disputes it.
- Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the
world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how
likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics
of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject', 'predicate', 'object', and
optional 'qualifier' attributes. The assessment of the Proposition's validity
are captured in 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The 'score'
attribute serves the same purpose as 'strength', but allows for a quantitative
assessment based on a numerical score.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: float
required: false
multivalued: false
name: subjectClassification
description: A single term or phrase summarizing the outcome of direction and
strength assessments of a Statement's proposition, in terms of a classification
of its subject.
- Permissible values for this attribute are typically selected to be succinct
and familiar in the target community of practice - and can be provided to report
of a statement's conclusion in user-friendly terms. For example, in a Statement
assessing the proposition that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer",
and reporting a direction of 'supports' and strength of 'likely', the term 'likely
pathogenic' from the ACMG Variant Interpretation Guidelines would be used as
a subject classification.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: hasEvidenceOfTypes
description: A term describing a type of evidence used to assess the validity
of Statement's proposition (e.g. 'sequence similarity evidence', 'in vitro assay
- This contrasts with hasEvidence and hasEvidenceLine attributes that describe
specific instances of evidence information, such as a particular data item,
study result, or prior assertions, etc. Where possible, data cretors should
use of terms from ontologies such as the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO)
to describe specific types of evidence (e.g. ECO:0000044 'sequence similarity
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: hasEvidenceLines
description: An evidence-based argument that supports or disputes the validity
of the proposition that a Statement assesses or puts forth as true. The strength
and direction of this argument (whether it supports or disputes the proposition,
and how strongly) is based on an interpretation of one or more pieces of information
as evidence (i.e. 'Evidence Items).
- Evidence Lines result from the interpretation of one or more pieces of information
to build an argument for or against a particular Proposition. These arguments
have direction (supporting / disputing) and strength (e.g. strong, moderate,
weak) relative to the Proposition they are evaluated against. For example, ExaC
allele counts and frequency calculations for the BRCA2 c.8023A>G variant in
different populations may be collectively assessed to provide an argument of
'moderate' strength in 'support of ' a proposition that the variant is pathogenicity
for breast cancer.
- Evidence Lines are useful in cases where a data provider wants to describe in
detail how information was assessed as evidence to generate and score different
arguments for or against a Statement''s proposition. Evidence Lines can be omitted
if such information is not available or needed.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: EvidenceLine
required: false
multivalued: true
name: hasEvidence
description: A piece of information that represents or contributes to an argument
for or against the validity of the Proposition put forth in a Statement. This
is a shortcut relation that links a Statement directly to a piece of evidence
supporting it, bypassing the Evidence Line class when used data creators do
not utilize an Evidence Line object.
- '- Evidence is any information that is interpreted in assessing the truth of the
proposition a Statement puts forth as true or false. A piece of information
only becomes evidence when it is interpreted in this way. Different types of
information entities can be used and cited as evidence, including direct observation
or measurement data, derived statistical calculations, data tables or figures
in a publication, conclusions/findings from a particular study, or prior assertions
of knowledge that themselves are based on their own set of evidence.'
- This is a shortcut relation that links a Statement directly to a piece of evidence
supporting it, bypassing the Evidence Line class - to be used data creators
cannot or do not wish to create an Evidence Line object.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: InformationEntity
required: false
multivalued: true
name: hasEvidenceFromSources
description: An Information Entity (typically a publication, dataset, or database)
that provided information used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed
in a Statement.
- This is a 'shortcut property' that can be used to directly link a Statement
to sources that provided evidence supporting/disputing it, without having to
create Evidence Lines or Evidence Items in the data.
rank: 1000
- Statement
range: InformationEntity
multivalued: true
name: Statement
description: A claim of purported truth as made by a particular agent, on a particular
occasion. Statements may be used to simply put forth a possible fact (i.e. a 'proposition')
as true, or to provide a more nuanced assessment of the level of confidence or evidence
supporting a particular proposition.
title: Statement
- Primary assertions of knowledge about some subject entity are captured in self-contained
Statement objects. Every Statement puts forth a 'proposition' - a possible fact
it assesses or reports to be true. The semantics of this proposition are explicitly
captured using 'subject', 'predicate', and 'object' attributes, and optional 'qualifier'
slots (SPOQ).
- The model supports two " modes of use" for Statements, which differ in what they
say about their proposition, and can be distinguished by whether 'direction' and
'strength' or 'score' attributes are populated.
- In "Assertion Mode" a Statement simply reports an SPOQ proposition to be true (e.g.
that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer"), and 'direction', 'strength',
and 'score' attributes are not populated. Thos mode is used by project reporting
conclusive assertions about a domain of discourse, but not providing confidence
or evidence level assessments.
- In "Proposition Assessment Mode" a Statement describes the overall state of evidence
and/or confidence surrounding the SPOQ proposition - which may or may not be true.
The 'direction' and 'strength' or 'score' attributes are populated, which allows
for Statements to report that "there is very strong evidence supporting the proposition
that 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer'", or "we have high confidence
that the proposition 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer' is false"). This
mode is used in curation projects to track the evolving state of support for propositions
of interest, as curators continue to collect evidence and work toward a conclusive
status: Draft
is_a: InformationEntity
name: statementText
description: A natural-language expression of what a Statement asserts to be true.
- This attribute captures what a Statement says as human readable free text. e.g.
that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer", or that "there is moderate
evidence supporting the pathogenicity of BRCA2 c.8023A>G for Breast Cancer".
This optional attribute can be used instead of, or as a complement to, a structured
representation of Statement semantics that uses the subject-predicate-object-qualifier
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: statementText
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: proposition
description: A possible fact that the Statement assesses or puts forth as true.
- This attribute supports an alternate modeling pattern where the structured semantics
of the possible fact asserted or evaluated by a Statement is encapsulated in
a separate 'Proposition' object. In such a case, the subject-predicate-object-qualifier
properties on the Statement are not utilized. A given implementation should
decide which pattern to follow and drop attributes not required for their approach.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: proposition
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: Proposition
required: false
multivalued: false
name: subject
description: The Entity or concept about which the Statement is made.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: subject
owner: Statement
- Statement
- Proposition
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: predicate
description: The relationship declared to hold between the subject and the object
of the Statement.
- When applied to represent a particular type of Statement (via 'Profiling'),
implementers can define a value set of predicates for the relationships relevant
in the domain - ideally using terms from community ontologies or terminologies.
For example, in a 'Variant Pathogenicity Statement' Profile, the predicate
value set might include terms from the GENO ontology defining 'pathogenic for
condition', 'benign for condition', and 'uncertain significance for condition'
relationships (GENO:0000840, GENO:0000843, GENO:0000845).
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: predicate
owner: Statement
- Statement
- Proposition
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: object
description: An Entity or concept that is related to the subject of a Statement
via its predicate.
- The object of a Statement can be any Entity or concept that is related to the
subject, e.g. for Genetic Variation subjects the object is often a disease,
drug, gene, molecular consequence, functional impact on gene or protein.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: object
owner: Statement
- Statement
- Proposition
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: qualifier
description: An additional piece of information that extends or refines the meaning
of a Statement's core subject - predicate - object 'triple' - by providing additional
detail, or constraining the statement to apply in a particular context.
- -The qualifier attribute allows representation of more complex, n-ary statements
that may not be accommodated by a simple subject-predicate-object (SPO) triple.
For example, if an SPO triple asserts that 'Variant X' - predicts sensitivity
to - 'Treatment Y', a qualifier can be used to indicate that this applies in
the context of a particular 'Disease Z'. Qualifiers can also add information
that quantifies aspects of a Statement - e.g. for a Statement triple asserting
that a 'Variant X'- causes - 'Phenotype Y', a qualifier can be used to add frequency/penetrance
information that quantifies the percentage of carriers in which the phenotype
is observed to manifest. Statement profiles may define more than one qualifier,
as needed to capture different types of qualifying information.
- The SEPIO core model specifies use of a key-value 'Qualifier' object to capture
the meaning and value of each type of qualifying information relevant for a
given type of Statement. But in practice, profiles for specific Statement types
may choose to define one or more specializations of the generic 'qualifier'
property as named attributes. This makes the data more succinct and parsable,
and allows specific constraints to be applied and validated for different qualifiers.
For example, a VariantPathogenicityStatement profile may define a named 'alleleOriginQualifier'
attribute that is required, and a named 'geneContextQualifier' attribute that
is optional - both of which conceptually specialize the core-im 'qualifier'
property. Under this approach, the core 'qualifier' acts as a placeholder to
seed such specializations, but is not used directly in Statement profiles.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: qualifier
owner: Statement
- Statement
- Proposition
range: Qualifier
required: false
multivalued: true
name: direction
description: A term indicating whether the Statement supports, disputes, or remains
neutral w.r.t. the validity of the Proposition it evaluates.
- Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the
world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how
likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics
of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject', 'predicate', 'object', and
optional 'qualifier' attributes. An assessment of the Proposition's validity
can be captured using 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The 'direction' attribute
is used to indicate whether the Statement's Proposition is *supported* by the
agent's assessment (when evidence favors its validity), is *disputed* by the
agent's assessment (when evidence argues against its validity), or remains *neutral*
(when conflicting or insufficient evidence exists to assert one direction or
the other). (Enumerated values = 'supports', 'disputes', 'neutral').
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: direction
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: strength
description: A term used to report the strength of a Proposition's assessment
in the direction indicated (i.e. how strongly supported or disputed the Proposition
is believed to be). Implementers may choose to frame a strength assessment
in terms of how *confident* an agent is that the Proposition is true or false,
or in terms of the *strength of all evidence* they believe supports or disputes
- Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the
world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how
likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics
of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject,' 'predicate', 'object', and
optional 'qualifier' attributes. An assessment of the Proposition's validity
can be captured using 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The
'strength' attribute is used to report the strength of this assessment in the
direction indicated. Strength can be framed as a *level of confidence* that
the Proposition is true or false, or as a *level of evidence* that supports
or disputes it. Data creators can define the permissible values for the 'strength'
attribute to indicate which of these facets is being assessed (e.g. 'high confidence'
vs 'low confidence', or 'strong evidence' vs 'weak evidence') - or they can
choose values that don't commit to one or the other if they don't want to make
the distinction (e.g. 'high' vs 'medium' vs 'low').
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: strength
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: score
description: A quantitative score that indicates the strength of a Proposition's
validity assessment in the direction indicated (i.e. how strongly supported
or disputed the Proposition is believed to be). Depending on its implementation,
a score may reflect how *confident* that agent is that the Proposition is true
or false, or the *strength of evidence* they believe supports or disputes it.
- Statements put forth a Proposition that expresses some possible fact about the
world, and may provide an assessment of this proposition's validity (i.e. how
likely it is to be true or false based on evaluated evidence). The semantics
of the Proposition are captured in the 'subject', 'predicate', 'object', and
optional 'qualifier' attributes. The assessment of the Proposition's validity
are captured in 'direction', 'strength', and 'score' attributes. The 'score'
attribute serves the same purpose as 'strength', but allows for a quantitative
assessment based on a numerical score.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: score
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: float
required: false
multivalued: false
name: subjectClassification
description: A single term or phrase summarizing the outcome of direction and
strength assessments of a Statement's proposition, in terms of a classification
of its subject.
- Permissible values for this attribute are typically selected to be succinct
and familiar in the target community of practice - and can be provided to report
of a statement's conclusion in user-friendly terms. For example, in a Statement
assessing the proposition that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer",
and reporting a direction of 'supports' and strength of 'likely', the term 'likely
pathogenic' from the ACMG Variant Interpretation Guidelines would be used as
a subject classification.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: subjectClassification
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: hasEvidenceOfTypes
description: A term describing a type of evidence used to assess the validity
of Statement's proposition (e.g. 'sequence similarity evidence', 'in vitro assay
- This contrasts with hasEvidence and hasEvidenceLine attributes that describe
specific instances of evidence information, such as a particular data item,
study result, or prior assertions, etc. Where possible, data cretors should
use of terms from ontologies such as the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO)
to describe specific types of evidence (e.g. ECO:0000044 'sequence similarity
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: hasEvidenceOfTypes
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: hasEvidenceLines
description: An evidence-based argument that supports or disputes the validity
of the proposition that a Statement assesses or puts forth as true. The strength
and direction of this argument (whether it supports or disputes the proposition,
and how strongly) is based on an interpretation of one or more pieces of information
as evidence (i.e. 'Evidence Items).
- Evidence Lines result from the interpretation of one or more pieces of information
to build an argument for or against a particular Proposition. These arguments
have direction (supporting / disputing) and strength (e.g. strong, moderate,
weak) relative to the Proposition they are evaluated against. For example, ExaC
allele counts and frequency calculations for the BRCA2 c.8023A>G variant in
different populations may be collectively assessed to provide an argument of
'moderate' strength in 'support of ' a proposition that the variant is pathogenicity
for breast cancer.
- Evidence Lines are useful in cases where a data provider wants to describe in
detail how information was assessed as evidence to generate and score different
arguments for or against a Statement''s proposition. Evidence Lines can be omitted
if such information is not available or needed.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: hasEvidenceLines
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: EvidenceLine
required: false
multivalued: true
name: hasEvidence
description: A piece of information that represents or contributes to an argument
for or against the validity of the Proposition put forth in a Statement. This
is a shortcut relation that links a Statement directly to a piece of evidence
supporting it, bypassing the Evidence Line class when used data creators do
not utilize an Evidence Line object.
- '- Evidence is any information that is interpreted in assessing the truth of the
proposition a Statement puts forth as true or false. A piece of information
only becomes evidence when it is interpreted in this way. Different types of
information entities can be used and cited as evidence, including direct observation
or measurement data, derived statistical calculations, data tables or figures
in a publication, conclusions/findings from a particular study, or prior assertions
of knowledge that themselves are based on their own set of evidence.'
- This is a shortcut relation that links a Statement directly to a piece of evidence
supporting it, bypassing the Evidence Line class - to be used data creators
cannot or do not wish to create an Evidence Line object.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: hasEvidence
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: InformationEntity
required: false
multivalued: true
name: hasEvidenceFromSources
description: An Information Entity (typically a publication, dataset, or database)
that provided information used as evidence to generate the knowledge expressed
in a Statement.
- This is a 'shortcut property' that can be used to directly link a Statement
to sources that provided evidence supporting/disputing it, without having to
create Evidence Lines or Evidence Items in the data.
rank: 1000
alias: hasEvidenceFromSources
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: InformationEntity
multivalued: true
name: isAbout
description: An entity or concept in the world that the information entity describes/is
- e.g. In the context of a Statement object, this attribute may be used to indicate
entities/concepts it is about, in lieu of providing a more precise description
of what the Statement asserts to be true using subject, predicate, object, and
qualifier properties. e.g. the Statement that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic
for Breast Cancer" might be annotated to be about the variant 'BRCA2 c.8023A>G',
and the disease 'Breast Cancer'.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: isAbout
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: contributions
description: Specific actions taken by an Agent toward the creation, modification,
validation, or deprecation of an Information Entity.
- This attribute holds one or more Contribution objects, which provide structured
descriptions of a contribution made to the Information Entity by a particular
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: contributions
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
- RecordMetadata
range: Contribution
required: false
multivalued: true
name: dateAuthored
description: Indicates when the information content expressed in the Information
Entity was generated.
- The term 'authored' as used in the model refers to the generation of 'information
content' in the abstract sense, as opposed to a concrete encoding of this information
in a specific language or format. e.g. for a Statement, this attribute captures
when the information content expressed in the Statement was first generated
by an agent. Information about when a particular concrete encoding of this
information was created (e.g. as row in a table, or object in a json document)
would live in a RecordMetadata object attached to the Information Entity).
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: dateAuthored
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: specifiedBy
description: A specification that describes all or part of the process that led
to creation of the Information Entity.
- Examples - an experimental protocol or data analysis specification that describe
how data were generated, or an evidence interpretation guideline that describes
steps taken to interpret data in making a variant pathogenicity classification.
- Note that this attribute captures specific *instances* of specifications/methods
(e.g. the specific electron microscopy method described in
cpz1.1045) - as opposed to reporting a *type* of method applied (e.g. "Transmission
Electron Microscopy").
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: specifiedBy
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
- Activity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: supportingMethods
description: Specific methods that were executed to directly or indirectly support
creation of the Information Entity.
- These may include methods that directly produced the Information Entity, or
upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the Information
Entity - e.g. methods used to produce data that was interpreted as evidence
to generate a Statement of knowledge.
- This field captures terms representing specific INSTANCES of methods applied,
vs the 'supportingMethodTypes' attribute which captures TYPES of methods used.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: supportingMethods
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: supportingMethodTypes
description: Types of methodological approaches that were executed to directly
or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity.
- This field captures terms representing TYPES of methods applied, vs the 'specifiedBy'
or'supportingMethods' attributes which capture specific INSTANCES of methods
used. These may include types of methods that directly produced the Information
Entity, or upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the
Information Entity
- Implementers should define a relevant source or set of method type codes/terms
to use here, based on the needs of the domain or application.'
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: supportingMethodTypes
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: true
name: derivedFrom
description: Another Information Entity from which this Information Entity is
derived, in whole or in part.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: derivedFrom
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: InformationEntity
required: false
multivalued: true
name: reportedIn
description: A document in which the Information Entity is reported.
- This attribute is used specifically to reference documents/publications where
the Information Entity is expressed or reported. For a Statement, this might
be a publication where the authors express the statement in text. For a Data
Item, this might be a publication with a table or figure that reports the value
of the data.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: reportedIn
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: sources
description: A document or other informtion resource in which the information
entity, or evidence supporting it, is reported.
- This attribute is more general than InformationEntity.reportedIn (which is used
to references a Docuement that directly reports the infrormation), and Statement.hasEvidenceFromSources
(which is used to reference resources that provided evidence used to generate
the knowledge expressed in a Statement). It can be used to cover both cases,
in situations where a data provider does not know which is the case, or does
not wish to make the distinction.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: sources
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: informationQuality
description: A qualitative term indicating the scientific rigor or reliability
with which the information was generated/collected.
- This is typically based on the quality of design and execution of the study
or curation activity that generated it (e.g. were relevant controls assessed
to show instruments were working, were all samples taken care of and handled
identically, are methods sound and well documented, etc.).
- The quality of information is intrinsic to the information itself, and not to
a particular application of the information (e.g. as evidence for making an
- The quality of information is one factor that goes into the confidence we have
in the information''s veracity (i.e. that it is an accurate reflection of reality
it intends to measure or describe). Other factors informing confidence may include
who did it (we may just not trust some Agents), when (if data created 500 years
ago, we may have less confidence in it), and for Assertions, the relevance and
abundance of supporting evidence.
- Implementers should define a relevant source of codes or terms to use here,
based on the needs of the domain or application.'
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: informationQuality
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: false
name: recordMetadata
description: Provenance metadata about a specific concrete record of information
as encoded/serialized in a particular data set or object (as opposed to provenance
about the abstract information content the encoding carries).
- This attribute holds a structured RecordMetadata objects, which can be used
to capture when, how, and by whom a record serialization was generated or modified;
what upstream resources it was derived or retrieved from; and record-level administrative
information such as versioning and lifecycle status.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: recordMetadata
owner: Statement
- InformationEntity
range: RecordMetadata
required: false
multivalued: false
name: id
description: The 'logical' identifier of the entity in the system of record, e.g.
a UUID. This 'id' is unique within a given system, but may or may not be globally
unique outside the system. It is used within a system to reference one object
from another.
- Note that it is common for implementers to create their own internal logical
ids - typically a serially or randomly generated value like a UUID that is assigned
to the data object as it is created in a system. But an implementer may choose
to reuse an existing, globally unique id from an external system or authority
for this purpose (e.g. an HGNC id for a Gene object) - as long as it is unique
within the implementing system, and can be used to reference the identified
object in this context.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: id
owner: Statement
- Entity
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: identifiers
description: A globally-unique 'business' identifier or accession number for the
real-world entity represented by a data object. These are typically assigned
by an external system or authority, and used to connect entities and share content
across different systems.
- Preferred values for this attribute are CURIEs or URIs - so the system that
provisioned the identifier is clear.
- A given real world entity - e.g. a genetic variant - may have many business
identifiers defined by different systems, which can be captured in the "identifiers"
property to indicate that they represent the same thing.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: identifiers
owner: Statement
- Entity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: type
description: The name of the class that is instantiated by a data object representing
the Entity.
- MUST be the label of a concrete class from the data model.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: type
owner: Statement
- Entity
range: string
required: true
multivalued: false
name: label
description: A primary name for the Entity.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: label
owner: Statement
- Entity
- Coding
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: alternativeLabels
description: Alternative name(s) for the Entity.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: alternativeLabels
owner: Statement
- Entity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true
name: description
description: A free text description of the Entity.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: description
owner: Statement
- Entity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false
name: extensions
description: A list of extensions to the Entity, that allow for capture of information
not directly supported by elements defined in the model.
- Extension objects have a key-value data structure that allows definition of
custom fields in the data itself. Extensions are not expected to be natively
understood, but may be used for pre-negotiated exchange of message attributes
between systems.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: extensions
owner: Statement
- Entity
range: Extension
required: false
multivalued: true