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Slot: componentResult

Another StudyResult comprised of data items about the same focus as its parent Result, but based on a more narrowly scoped analysis of the foundational data (e.g. an analysis based on data about a subset of the parent Results full study population).


  • This attribute allows data creators to break down a StudyResult into finer-grained StudyResult instances with a narrower scope. For example, a StudyResult about the frequency of an allele in a global population of individuals can be broken down into separate 'component' Results about distinct subpopulations of individuals in the source data (e.g. frequency of the allele in asian vs african subpopulations, or male vs female subgroups).

URI: sepio_linkml:componentResult

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
StudyResult A collection of data items from a single study that pertain to a particular s... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self sepio_linkml:componentResult
native sepio_linkml:componentResult

LinkML Source

name: componentResult
description: Another StudyResult comprised of data items about the same focus as its
  parent Result, but based on a more narrowly scoped analysis of the foundational
  data (e.g. an analysis based on data about a subset of the parent Results full study
- This attribute allows data creators to break down a StudyResult into finer-grained
  StudyResult instances with a narrower scope. For example, a StudyResult about the
  frequency of an allele in a global population of individuals can be broken down
  into separate 'component' Results about distinct subpopulations of individuals in
  the source data (e.g. frequency of the allele in asian vs african subpopulations,
  or male vs female subgroups).
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: componentResult
owner: StudyResult
- StudyResult
range: StudyResult
required: false
multivalued: true