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Slot: focus

A specific subject or experimental unit in a Study, that data in the StudyResult object is about - e.g. a particular variant in a population allele frequency dataset like ExAC or gnomAD.


  • The 'focus' of a StudyResult is the what anchors selection of all data items and provenance information that it contains. This focus may be a single participant or subject of a study (e.g. one patient in a clinical study, or one allele in a population frequency analysis). It may be a study group defined as an experimental unit in the study (e.g. a specific treatment arm of a clinical study). Or it may be a variable defined as a unit of analysis in the study (e.g. 'exposure to nicotine' in an analysis correlating this variable with clinical outcomes).

URI: sepio_linkml:focus

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
StudyResult A collection of data items from a single study that pertain to a particular s... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self sepio_linkml:focus
native sepio_linkml:focus

LinkML Source

name: focus
description: A specific subject or experimental unit in a Study, that data in the
  StudyResult object is about - e.g. a particular variant in a population allele frequency
  dataset like ExAC or gnomAD.
- The 'focus' of a StudyResult is the what anchors selection of all data items and
  provenance information that it contains. This focus may be a single participant
  or subject of a study (e.g. one patient in a clinical study, or one allele in a
  population frequency analysis). It may be a study group defined as an experimental
  unit in the study (e.g. a specific treatment arm of a clinical study). Or it may
  be a variable defined as a unit of analysis in the study (e.g. 'exposure to nicotine'
  in an analysis correlating this variable with clinical outcomes).
rank: 1000
alias: focus
owner: StudyResult
- StudyResult
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false