Slot: hasEvidenceItems
An individual piece of information that was evaluated as evidence in building the argument represented by an Evidence Line.
- A given Evidence Line may be supported by one or many individual evidence items. What matters is that all evidence items in a given Evidence Line get collectively assessed and assigned direction and strength as a single argument for or against a target proposition.
- Different types and scales of information entity can serve as evidence (experimental measurements or observations, data tables or figures, images, prior assertions, etc.) Only when assessed as evidence do we consider the information to be an 'Evidence Item'. For example, a piece of population frequency data about BRCA2 c.8023A>G becomes an Evidence Item when it is assessed for the support it may offer for a target proposition (e.g. the prospect of the variant’s pathogenicity).
URI: sepio_linkml:hasEvidenceItems
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
EvidenceLine | An independent, evidence-based argument that may support or refute the validi... | no |
Range: InformationEntity
Multivalued: True
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | sepio_linkml:hasEvidenceItems |
native | sepio_linkml:hasEvidenceItems |
LinkML Source
name: hasEvidenceItems
description: An individual piece of information that was evaluated as evidence in
building the argument represented by an Evidence Line.
- A given Evidence Line may be supported by one or many individual evidence items.
What matters is that all evidence items in a given Evidence Line get collectively
assessed and assigned direction and strength as a single argument for or against
a target proposition.
- Different types and scales of information entity can serve as evidence (experimental
measurements or observations, data tables or figures, images, prior assertions,
etc.) Only when assessed as evidence do we consider the information to be an 'Evidence
Item'. For example, a piece of population frequency data about BRCA2 c.8023A>G becomes
an Evidence Item when it is assessed for the support it may offer for a target proposition
(e.g. the prospect of the variant’s pathogenicity).
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: hasEvidenceItems
owner: EvidenceLine
- EvidenceLine
range: InformationEntity
required: false
multivalued: true