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Slot: hasEvidenceLines

An evidence-based argument that supports or disputes the validity of the proposition that a Statement assesses or puts forth as true. The strength and direction of this argument (whether it supports or disputes the proposition, and how strongly) is based on an interpretation of one or more pieces of information as evidence (i.e. 'Evidence Items).


  • Evidence Lines result from the interpretation of one or more pieces of information to build an argument for or against a particular Proposition. These arguments have direction (supporting / disputing) and strength (e.g. strong, moderate, weak) relative to the Proposition they are evaluated against. For example, ExaC allele counts and frequency calculations for the BRCA2 c.8023A>G variant in different populations may be collectively assessed to provide an argument of 'moderate' strength in 'support of ' a proposition that the variant is pathogenicity for breast cancer.
  • Evidence Lines are useful in cases where a data provider wants to describe in detail how information was assessed as evidence to generate and score different arguments for or against a Statement''s proposition. Evidence Lines can be omitted if such information is not available or needed.

URI: sepio_linkml:hasEvidenceLines

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Statement A claim of purported truth as made by a particular agent, on a particular occ... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self sepio_linkml:hasEvidenceLines
native sepio_linkml:hasEvidenceLines

LinkML Source

name: hasEvidenceLines
description: An evidence-based argument that supports or disputes the validity of
  the proposition that a Statement assesses or puts forth as true. The strength and
  direction of this argument (whether it supports or disputes  the proposition, and
  how strongly) is based on an interpretation of one or more pieces of information
  as evidence (i.e. 'Evidence Items).
- Evidence Lines result from the interpretation of one or more pieces of information
  to build an argument for or against a particular Proposition. These arguments have
  direction (supporting / disputing) and strength (e.g. strong, moderate, weak) relative
  to the Proposition they are evaluated against. For example, ExaC allele counts and
  frequency calculations for the BRCA2 c.8023A>G variant in different populations
  may be collectively assessed to provide an argument of 'moderate' strength in 'support
  of ' a proposition that the variant is pathogenicity for breast cancer.
- Evidence Lines are useful in cases where a data provider wants to describe in detail
  how information was  assessed as evidence to generate and score different arguments
  for or against a Statement''s proposition. Evidence Lines can be omitted if such
  information is not available or needed.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: hasEvidenceLines
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: EvidenceLine
required: false
multivalued: true