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Slot: identifiers

A globally-unique 'business' identifier or accession number for the real-world entity represented by a data object. These are typically assigned by an external system or authority, and used to connect entities and share content across different systems.


  • Preferred values for this attribute are CURIEs or URIs - so the system that provisioned the identifier is clear.
  • A given real world entity - e.g. a genetic variant - may have many business identifiers defined by different systems, which can be captured in the "identifiers" property to indicate that they represent the same thing.

URI: sepio_linkml:identifiers

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
EvidenceLine An independent, evidence-based argument that may support or refute the validi... no
Contribution An action or actions taken by a particular agent in the creation, modificatio... no
Agent An autonomous actor (person, organization, or software agent) that bears some... no
Entity Anything that exists, has existed, or will exist no
DataSet A collection of related data items or records that are organized together in ... no
InformationEntity An abstract (non-physical) entity that is about something - representing the ... no
Proposition An abstract entity representing a possible fact that is either true or false no
StudyGroup A collection of individuals or specimens from the same taxonomic class, selec... no
StudyResult A collection of data items from a single study that pertain to a particular s... no
Method A set of instructions that specify how to achieve some objective no
Activity An action or set of actions performed by an agent, that occurs over a period ... no
Statement A claim of purported truth as made by a particular agent, on a particular occ... no
DataItem An Information Entity representing an individual piece of data, generated or ... no
Document A collection of information, usually in a text-based or graphic human-readabl... no


  • Range: String

  • Multivalued: True

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self sepio_linkml:identifiers
native sepio_linkml:identifiers

LinkML Source

name: identifiers
description: A globally-unique 'business' identifier or accession number for the real-world
  entity represented by a data object. These are typically assigned by an external
  system or authority, and used to connect entities and share content across different
- Preferred values for this attribute are CURIEs or URIs - so the system that provisioned
  the identifier is clear.
- A given real world entity - e.g. a genetic variant - may have many business identifiers
  defined by different systems, which can be captured in the "identifiers" property
  to indicate that they represent the same thing.
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: identifiers
owner: Entity
- Entity
range: string
required: false
multivalued: true