A possible fact that the Statement assesses or puts forth as true.
This attribute supports an alternate modeling pattern where the structured semantics of the possible fact asserted or evaluated by a Statement is encapsulated in a separate 'Proposition' object. In such a case, the subject-predicate-object-qualifier properties on the Statement are not utilized. A given implementation should decide which pattern to follow and drop attributes not required for their approach.
from schema: https://w3id.org/sepio-framework/sepio-linkml
Mapping Type
Mapped Value
LinkML Source
name: proposition
description: A possible fact that the Statement assesses or puts forth as true.
- This attribute supports an alternate modeling pattern where the structured semantics
of the possible fact asserted or evaluated by a Statement is encapsulated in a separate
'Proposition' object. In such a case, the subject-predicate-object-qualifier properties
on the Statement are not utilized. A given implementation should decide which pattern
to follow and drop attributes not required for their approach.
from_schema: https://w3id.org/sepio-framework/sepio-linkml
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: proposition
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: Proposition
required: false
multivalued: false