Slot: statementText
A natural-language expression of what a Statement asserts to be true.
- This attribute captures what a Statement says as human readable free text. e.g. that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer", or that "there is moderate evidence supporting the pathogenicity of BRCA2 c.8023A>G for Breast Cancer". This optional attribute can be used instead of, or as a complement to, a structured representation of Statement semantics that uses the subject-predicate-object-qualifier pattern.
URI: sepio_linkml:statementText
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
Statement | A claim of purported truth as made by a particular agent, on a particular occ... | no |
- Range: String
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | sepio_linkml:statementText |
native | sepio_linkml:statementText |
LinkML Source
name: statementText
description: A natural-language expression of what a Statement asserts to be true.
- This attribute captures what a Statement says as human readable free text. e.g.
that "BRCA2 c.8023A>G is pathogenic for Breast Cancer", or that "there is moderate
evidence supporting the pathogenicity of BRCA2 c.8023A>G for Breast Cancer". This
optional attribute can be used instead of, or as a complement to, a structured representation
of Statement semantics that uses the subject-predicate-object-qualifier pattern.
status: Draft
rank: 1000
alias: statementText
owner: Statement
- Statement
range: string
required: false
multivalued: false