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Slot: supportingMethodTypes

Types of methodological approaches that were executed to directly or indirectly support creation of the Information Entity.


  • This field captures terms representing TYPES of methods applied, vs the 'specifiedBy' or'supportingMethods' attributes which capture specific INSTANCES of methods used. These may include types of methods that directly produced the Information Entity, or upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the Information Entity
  • Implementers should define a relevant source or set of method type codes/terms to use here, based on the needs of the domain or application.'

URI: sepio_linkml:supportingMethodTypes

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
EvidenceLine An independent, evidence-based argument that may support or refute the validi... no
DataSet A collection of related data items or records that are organized together in ... no
InformationEntity An abstract (non-physical) entity that is about something - representing the ... no
StudyResult A collection of data items from a single study that pertain to a particular s... no
Method A set of instructions that specify how to achieve some objective no
Statement A claim of purported truth as made by a particular agent, on a particular occ... no
DataItem An Information Entity representing an individual piece of data, generated or ... no
Document A collection of information, usually in a text-based or graphic human-readabl... no


  • Range: Coding

  • Multivalued: True

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self sepio_linkml:supportingMethodTypes
native sepio_linkml:supportingMethodTypes

LinkML Source

name: supportingMethodTypes
description: Types of methodological approaches that were executed to directly or
  indirectly support creation of the Information Entity.
- This field captures terms representing TYPES of methods applied, vs the 'specifiedBy'
  or'supportingMethods' attributes which capture specific INSTANCES of methods used.
  These may include types of methods that directly produced the Information Entity,
  or upstream/accessory methods that indirectly support creation of the Information
- Implementers should define a relevant source or set of method type codes/terms to
  use here, based on the needs of the domain or application.'
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: supportingMethodTypes
owner: InformationEntity
- InformationEntity
range: Coding
required: false
multivalued: true