Slot: variabilityMeasures
A statistical score describing the variability inherent in a data item representing a statistical summary of a set of observations/measurements (e.g. the standard deviation associated with a statistical mean calculated across several experimental replicates).
- Examples of statistical measures of variability include an Interquartile Range, Variance, Standard Deviation, Standard Error. The type of variability measure used here represents should be reported in the DataItem instance created to represent it.
URI: sepio_linkml:variabilityMeasures
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
DataItem | An Information Entity representing an individual piece of data, generated or ... | no |
Range: DataItem
Multivalued: True
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | sepio_linkml:variabilityMeasures |
native | sepio_linkml:variabilityMeasures |
LinkML Source
name: variabilityMeasures
description: A statistical score describing the variability inherent in a data item
representing a statistical summary of a set of observations/measurements (e.g. the
standard deviation associated with a statistical mean calculated across several
experimental replicates).
- Examples of statistical measures of variability include an Interquartile Range,
Variance, Standard Deviation, Standard Error. The type of variability measure used
here represents should be reported in the DataItem instance created to represent
status: Informative
rank: 1000
alias: variabilityMeasures
owner: DataItem
- DataItem
range: DataItem
required: false
multivalued: true